Become a Sponsor

Hello Dear friends, neighbors, sponsors and potential sponsors!

It will be your sponsorship that allows the Fest to continue for the next ten, twenty and more years bringing pride and prosperity to our area. Not only is it a great cause it is a great business move for you. Super visibility via our ads, our website (it’s being refreshed as this is being typed and we now get THOUSANDS of visitors don’t miss this opportunity!) and the Fest itself. You’ll receive the great community support people here provide for our sponsors, a tax-deductible donation and possibly most important, the knowledge that you helped make it all happen!

Thank you so much for everything you do for this community please consider helping keep the Trinidaddio Blues Fest as a big part of summer fun in Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico!
Thank you again
Trinidaddio Blues Fest – A Colorado Non-Profit Corporation
For more information on being a Trinidaddio Blues Fest Sponsor, please write to: